Media Matters caught Fox News in another one of those unfortunate mistakes that coincidentally favor their conservative worldview:
On Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade claimed, along with an on-screen graphic, that a recent USA Today/Gallup poll found that "61 percent" of Americans are in favor of taking away collective bargaining rights from public unions. In fact, Fox aired the results of the poll completely backward: the Gallup poll found that 61 percent of Americans are opposed to taking away collective bargaining rights.(emphasis added)
Remember Solidarnosc, the Polish trade union federation that battled the totalitarian Soviet empire in the 1980s and won freedom for Poland? If anyone would have a hatred for BIG GUMINT, it would be these guys, right? Well guess who they're backing in the Madison melee:
Piotr Duda addressed a letter to the American trade union AFSCME supporting their struggle against the recent attempts to reduce workers’ and trade unions’ rights and cut down wages in the public sector in the State of Wisconsin by Governor Scott Walker.As these courageous freedom fighters in Poland know, the protestors in Wisconsin aren't just fighting for their rights. They are fighting for our rights.
The letter reads:
“Dear Sisters and Brothers,
On behalf of the 700,000 members of the Polish Trade Union NSZZ “Solidarnosc” (“Solidarity”) I wish to express our solidarity and support for your struggle against the recent assault on trade unions and trade union rights unleashed by Governor Scott Walker.
We are witnessing yet another attempt of transferring the costs of the economic crisis and of the failed financial policies to working people and their families. As much as some adjustments are necessary, we can not and must not agree that the austerity measures are synonymous with union busting practices, the elimination of bargaining rights and the reduction of social benefits and wages.
Dear Friends, please rest assured that our thoughts are with you during your protest, as we truly do hope that your just fight for decent working and living conditions, for the workers’ rights will be successful.
Your victory is our victory as well.
We will continue to watch the developments there and please keep us informed of any other ways, you think we could be of assistance.
In solidarity,
Piotr Duda
NSZZ “Solidarnosc"
(emphasis added)